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Get to know yourself

Get to know yourself


I've compromised myself many times to avoid being alone. The idea of being alone isn't the issue, it's the loneliness that comes with it. Sometimes, all we want to be is alone, and then it's not loneliness we feel, it's peace and solitude. So what's the difference? It's our relationship with ourselves. When we enjoy our own company, ideas of loneliness creep up much less. We've also further isolated ourselves with this pretend world of social media. It has us bombarding ourselves with images of other people but does little to actually connect us with them, making us feel even more alone. Instead of avoiding being by ourselves, we should schedule it in. This doesn't mean we have to get a new haircut and run away to the other side of the planet to be alone (word to Diane Nguyen), we can simply schedule in 15 minutes of alone time, and grow from there. We can feel lonely in a stadium full of people, and even in the arms of someone we love, it's a feeling, not a circumstance. Recognizing what triggers your feelings of loneliness is an important step to figuring out how to feel better when you're by yourself. Maybe that first step includes simply admitting you don't want to be alone, and then figuring out those roots. Self-awareness is key, and I feel the better relationship you have with yourself, the better relationship you'll be able to have with others. #BLESS

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