What's really important?
Feb 12, 2019
In 2017, I received the biggest pay cheque I had ever seen and injured myself in the most painful way I ever felt, both in the same week. The joy of the money, even if I was healthy, wouldn't have balanced out the pain I felt from a very avoidable injury. It was the moment I realized that all of this is pointless if I don't feel good, and if I feel good, most of this doesn't matter anyway.
This idea was hinted to me over the years, as I saw other people who had everything I wanted, be miserable. The feelings we have inside can't be changed by things on the outside. This past year we saw this through a collection of creators bringing up their mental health and the impact the game was having on them. I think that's important to realize if you're an aspiring anything. Hitting your goals feels great for a bit, but feeling great should always be the more important goal.
Let's not sacrifice our health for wealth, and then have to blow our wealth trying to regain our health. When we feel good about ourselves, we'll spend less time chasing things anyways, not needing that next fix all the time. Two weeks after my injury, I got to sit on a private jet for the first time, the pain in my back didn't allow me to enjoy that experience either.
Put your health first, mental and physical, and if you believe in it, add spiritual health to that list as well.
My book #unlearn is now available for pre-order! Visit Humblethepoet.com/unlearn [Link in bio]