Think Like A Monk
Sep 09, 2020
The homie and my personal therapist @jayshetty has released his first ever book #THINKLIKEAMONK, and flipping through the pages I already feel the energy of his amazing words and wisdom. Jay has done the work, living years as a Monk in India before returning to everyday life to add value to ours. The essence of this book is that we don’t have to isolate ourselves and live like a monk to think like one. This book is full of relevant, practical and actionable insights to improve the way we think, which will in turn improve the way we feel, and then improve the way we live. I’ve been so fortunate to have access to Jay as a friend, and mentor over the past few years, and he has blown my mind on numerous occasions, setting me up and supporting me on my journey as a life long learner. Grab at least three copies of this book.. it will make an amazing Xmas gift, and people will borrow it and not return it, so stock up! Grab your copy everywhere books are sold! And of course make sure you read it in his charming British accent 😂