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Love Them While You Can

Love Them While You Can


The uncomfortable reality is that any connection with a friend could possibly be the last. But that uncomfortable reality is also a good lens for viewing the world: if we kept this in mind, we would treat the people in our lives with more care. Remembering that the people in our lives won’t be here forever is the best way to motivate
us to be as wonderful to them as possible, while they’re still here.
It’s tricky, since we’re not really wired to remember this fact, but when we make the active effort to keep it in mind, beautiful choices come from that effort.

But we don’t.

When we chase ambition, we focus on what we don’t have and spend less time appreciating the things and people we do have. As a result, we further isolate ourselves from each other, assuming that everything we experience and everyone we know will always be here.

The people we have won’t always be here, so let’s not deprive ourselves of their presence simply because we’re too caught up in wanting more of some other stuff. That other stuff won’t
last either—nothing does. So let’s appreciate who and what we have while we still have it. If we’re not happy with what we have, we won’t
be very happy with all that we get.

My new book THINGS NO ONE ELSE CAN TEACH US is now available for Pre-order, if you dig my writing, you’re going to love this book. visit and win a chance to hang out with me [LINK IN BIO]

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