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Discipline = Freedom

Discipline = Freedom

I don't listen to anybody. Ask my parents, my family, the women I've dated, and the bosses I no longer have. Even the name Humble The Poet was birthed from a room full of guys telling me it was a stupid name. All I longed for was freedom; freedom from people's expectations, freedom from the rules, and freedom to do whatever, whenever. Then I received that freedom, and it started chipping away at me. There are levels to freedom, and although I thought I was as free as a bird, I was really just caged in by my desires and needs for instant gratification. Many of us are slaves to our devices, and no amount of money and power would free us from their addictive ways. The same goes for food, or staying up too late, or dating people that end up being toxic for our souls.
I eventually learned that the only true freedom is that which comes through discipline. Discipline allows us to make more sustainable choices, and incremental improvements, so we can exist beyond that dopamine fix.
I still don't listen to anyone, unless I asked them to tell me what to do. At that point, I'm a willing soldier, participant and student. I'm not the epitome of discipline, but working on it every day has let the baby steps add up. I have the luxury to binge-watch shows and not be up in the morning most days of the week, but that won't be the case for long if I keep it up, so I try to enjoy my vices in moderation; that works out sometimes.

Discipline doesn't come from any magical spell, it comes from boring practice and repetition, and I know that doesn't sound sexy, but it's all we got. The only true freedom comes from discipline, so get a little boring! #BLESS
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