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Toronto Sobers Me Up

Toronto Sobers Me Up


Toronto sobers me up.
I look at my phone less, the problems with a California backdrop tend to lose meaning, and I start to pay more attention to the child that lives inside of me. The more I pay attention to that child, the more I can connect with the children in others. These children that live inside us can't be reasoned with or inspired with logical ideas and Tumblr quotes. They can only be treated with love and compassion, and given the space to be themselves. We do so much to hide these children, it's almost as if we're embarrassed to have them. But understanding they exist within us and everyone else may motivate us to treat each other that much better. As my public profile continues to grow, I'm exposed to more criticism and outright hate from people who think hiding behind an anonymous screen name gives them power. This doesn't frustrate me no more because I know that child-like behaviour is coming from a child that is missing something in their life. Maybe it's an excuse to have a voice, the need for attention, or the frustrations of their own personal feelings. Whatever it is, I'm not taking it personally, just as I wouldn't feel offended if a child spit up food on me. I'm realizing the importance of these gestures of love and compassion on a grand scale. It's a reminder that no matter how f*cked up the world seems, we always have the power to create beauty and moments that will make those children within us dance, and even laugh. No matter the circumstances, we will always have the power to add beauty to this world. How will you contribute? #LOVE 📷 @wissamgaza

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