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The Goal is Simple

The Goal is Simple

There's very little that matches the satisfaction and dopamine we'll get from improving ourself on a regular basis. Those types of improvements take a lot of work, and the gratification isn't immediate, that's why it's easy to count likes on social media, or chase some other short term smile instead. It's much like working out. The progress takes weeks, if not months to show, and the work sucks in the short term. But if you stick with it, very soon the work becomes fun, and the improvements are long term. Often people set the bar too high when they try to improve themselves, and then fall flat. Instead let's set the bar lower, so really we only have to be better off today than we were yesterday. I don't care about the advantages other people have in their lives over you, none of that is relevant to the fact that you can get better even by 1% a day. Decide on what parts of your life you want to be more confident, and make a plan to get those baby steps to add up. What do want to be more confident in? what's your game plan? leave a comment and let me know #BLESS
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My new book THINGS NO ONE ELSE CAN TEACH US is now available (LINK IN BIO), if you dig my writing, you’re going to love this book. visit to find out where to get it
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