Family & Gratitude
Feb 21, 2019
Each time I saw @dwyanewade this #NBAallstar weekend, he was doing something FOR his family. The first day, he approached @iisuperwomaniion behalf of his son Zion, who was a big fan of her. The next day, he brought his son Zaire out to practice with the All-Star Team. While most players & celebs come with their entourages, Dwayne showed up to the skills competition with his family. That was such an awesome reminder of the importance of family and nurturing our tribes. We're all caught up in our ambitions, and that makes it difficult to see the wonder that exists right in front of us. We think after getting over that next hump, we'll be able to live life the way we want, but conquering that next hump only reveals a new one in the horizon. Not everyone reading this has the healthiest relationship with their family, but we all have the freedom to define who our family is. Family is beyond blood, it's the people we hold and value the closest. It's the people who make existing on this planet worth it. It's the people whose presence decide if we're having fun.
I'm wealthy with family, both biological, and the ragtag collection of weirdos I've collected throughout my adventures of life, and it requires constant reminders not to take them for granted (and I definitely do take them for granted, we all do). •
Leave a comment, and tag someone who you consider family, whether that's a sibling, parent, or homey, who's been with you through thick & thin. As always, nothing but gratitude to my family Lilly for having me along to share this amazing @nbaexperience. #BLESS